Whether you’ve been voluntold you’re on the sponsorship committee or are an event manager that wears all the hats, finding virtual event sponsors can become a part-time job. Most of the clients we talk to start the conversation with, “HELP, please!” Sponsor acquisition is no small feat, for in-person, virtual, or hybrid events—we get it. But after managing six figures in sponsorship dollars over the past few years, the Eventistry by Alecia team has it mastered! With the right places to look and proven strategies, you’ll level up your bottom line with sponsorship dollars in no time. We’ve got you!

If you want to find people who are going to sign on the dotted line to sponsor your next virtual event, start your search with these groups of sponsorship prospects!

Check Out Your Competitors

Competitive analysis is important in every aspect of your business. But it’s especially important when it comes to sponsorship dollars. Your competition is going to have the same audience and similar goals to you, right? This means they’re likely drawing in sponsors that would consider being a part of your event too.

Do a quick search of each of your top competitors’ websites. Then, find the events section of their website. Make a spreadsheet with all their events and events they’re participating in. From there, you’ll just need to check out the sponsorship page of the respective event sites and you’ll have yourself a highly promising list of sponsorship prospects!

Chat with Your Channel Partners

While not every business will have reseller partners or channel partners, you DO have some sort of partner in your business. Maybe it’s a company you work with on a VIP client account or a company you have a co-branding deal with. Those who are invested in your mutual success or those who have a similar clientele as you are always great targets for sponsorship.

Don’t Forget About Clients & Donors

Similar to checking in with your channel partners, don’t forget about your clients and existing donors, too! For example, maybe one of your clients is a financial advisor, a realtor, or a lawyer. Their professional services are required by every person out there at some point in their lives. Maybe they’d be interested in sponsoring and getting their name out there to a new audience! Now, your existing donors already have a connection to your brand, your mission, or cause. Think about what you already know is important to them and craft a sponsorship opportunity that they simply can’t say no to—you’ve got all the info you need to succeed with these existing relationships! You just can’t be afraid to leverage it.

Your Target Audience

This is the big one! When you’re searching for virtual event sponsors it’s important that you take a good hard look at your target audience.

Who do you serve?

What problem are you solving for them?

Do they have other issues that would require tools or assistance?

What do they need?

Who else can support them, but not in a competitive way?

Ask yourself these questions to pinpoint your target audience’s main roadblocks for growth. Think about what type of company can remove those roadblocks for them. For example, if you’re a business that supports entrepreneurs with time management, what other companies are in that space and don’t compete with you, but could provide value for your target audience? What else might entrepreneurs need to be successful?

Do a deep dive. Gather your team and do a brainstorm, multiple brains are always better than one. You never know who you’re going to come up with!

Then, once you have your list of companies it’s time to get after it and start pitching that sponsorship media kit! We have a blog on that in case you need a little help getting started

Need Help Securing Sponsors for Your Next Virtual Event? We Can Help.

If your head is spinning and you’re not sure where you’re going to find the time to lock in sponsors for your next event, take a deep breath! Our Eventistry by Alecia team has put on paper (well, PDF—we’re living in a virtual world, remember?) our comprehensive virtual event sponsorship system for ONLY $27. It will teach you step-by-step how to acquire virtual event sponsors, so you don’t waste time with the guessing games. It’s proven to work and provides over $3,000+ in juicy value to help you level up your sponsorship game. If you want a little extra help, let’s chat about what our team can take off your plate!

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