Live events for business growth are an ideal way to have a high-touch experience with your dream clients and loyal customers.

Events for business growth are simply a means to an end. And though the approach may vary, the goal of your event is to create a unique environment to generate leads, build lasting and meaningful business connections, and build substantial credibility within your market and brand.

[media-credit id=7 align=”center” width=”1024″]Events For Business Growth[/media-credit]

Business events can do what no other digital or paper marketing can. While it is important to maintain a strong online presence, the future of strategic marketing is going to rely on in-person experiences that your audience can’t just scroll past.

While digital marketing only secures a few moments of attention, here are 8 ways your business can use live events for a guaranteed lasting impression.

Networking Brunch

Combining networking and brunch takes a high-intensity, high-stress situation and makes it more intimate and meaningful. The key to a networking brunch is quality over quantity. Bring your more high-valued clients together educate, inspire, and provide a networking opportunity. 

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A networking brunch an ideal way to establish your service or products as important amongst big players in your industry.

Side note: Don’t forget to ask your VIP guests about dietary restrictions.


Conferences utilized event strategy to collect a large group of people with similar interests and providing them helpful information that they care about. 

A conference can spread across multiple days and a lot of the horsepower will depend on the perfect event agenda. These types of events for business growth are most popular amongst thought leaders, tech, and personal development brands.

Thought Leadership Events

Thought leadership events provide a targeted audience with advanced educational tools on their market and how to excel in their business or life. This kind of live event can be small and intimate or a lavish affair. With so much information being circulated on repeat, thought leader events are in short supply and great demand.

[media-credit id=7 align=”center” width=”1024″]Thought Leadership Event[/media-credit]

Securing your place as a thought leader will ensure that buying your products and services becomes a no-brainer.


Galas are a formal and elegant way to present your products or service. Galas must fit your brand picture in order to be meaningful. But when done right, often mark a sophisticated business experience impossible to forget.

Product Launch

Product launches are incredibly lucrative events for business growth due to their sales-centric nature. Your latest release will be front and center bringing potential investors, business partners, and of course customers up close in personal with your product and brand. 


Seminars are similar to conferences in that your translating an idea to a targetted audience. Only seminars don’t last as long, often include a smaller attendee list and the immediate value isn’t in ticket sales.

[media-credit id=7 align=”center” width=”1024″]Live Seminar for Business Growth[/media-credit]

Seminars are great for B2B presentations or even internal affairs like onboarding, training, or brand changes. Contrary to how seminars were conducted in the past, interactivity had proven more effective than just lectures. Also, always include food for all the additional brain work being done.

VIP Event

I often refer to VIP events as sales acceleration events because my honored attendee list will include the most influential stakeholders in my business along with customers and consumers.

By providing an exclusive and impressive experience, hosting a VIP event is how you invest in the loyalty of key figures to ultimately increase revenue.

Destination Retreat

The immersive quality and intimate setting of a retreat are impossible to replicate in any other setting. Destination retreat events harbor connections and are the perfect environment to dig deep with a portion of your audience that trusts you the most.

[media-credit id=7 align=”center” width=”1024″]Retreat Events for Business Growth[/media-credit]

Have you considered the unparalleled ways a retreat will grow your business, reignite your passion, and connect you to your most valuable customers? I’ve created a unique fool-proof way to plan a retreat, sell out tickets, and help you make the biggest business move you’ve made in a while. 

Join me with business strategist & retreat company owner Elizabeth Sinclair at next years 

Event Retreat Mastermind

Strategizing Events For Business Growth

Any idea which of these events for business growth suits you? Well, if you’re in the business of making serious money, keeping your customers and clients happy, and staying inspired–all of them will work.

But how?

When I collaborate with clients to create an event strategy, the outcome has layers of customized needs depending on the theme, goal, brand, and audience. But the approach is very similar.

Here are a few pro tips for planning your events for business growth successfully.

  • Strategic Budgeting Your event is an investment in your business. And like all of your other business financial decisions, your event budget must be clear and concise.

It can get surprisingly easy to surpass a budget. Alternatively, a tight budget may result in your missing out on critical details that would hinder your event ROI.

If you’re not sure where to begin with budgeting, download my budget cheat sheet to make sure your covered at every event and never miss a detail again.

This free event budget worksheet is perfect for coaches and entrepreneurs looking to budget their first event.



  • Begin Ticket Sales Early
    It doesn’t matter how strong your marketing gameplan is, giving your event the best possible chance to sellout means getting a landing page up yesterday.

    You, attendees, need time to plan and will feel rushed if they’re only finding out about an event happening in four weeks. So once you’ve ironed out just the basic event details, the sales strategy has to begin.
  • Event Coaching

    I see DIY disasters happen often and I want to save you (and your bank account) from one. I offer event coaching to help turn your vision into an impactful, lucrative, business elevating, high-touch, live event experience.

    I provide end-to-end coaching that makes it easy for you to create elevated events for your audience for the lifetime of your business. All of my tools become yours.

Digital and paper marketing have seen their place in the world of business. But the future is live events. Connect with clients and customers in ways a screen can’t.

To discover which event you should be planning this year Apply HERE.