Over the last few years the event industry has been demonstrating incredible growth rates and incredible level of innovation. Chances are 2016 will be as exciting and full of surprises with a considerable amount of great ideas and innovations which are likely to change the face of the industry.

Here are some of the most significant trends awaiting the event industry in 2016:

1. New approach to ‪#‎revenuegeneration‬

In 2015, there has been a considerable increase in the demand for events. Some of the industry players could have misunderstood the trend and took a “little and often” strategy. Still, the events that generated most revenue were the large flagship while smaller events have been bringing less money.

2. New experience for ‪#‎eventmanagers‬

The events brought new and exciting experience to attendees and delegates. As the industry landscape has been changing in the last few years, so have been changing responsibilities and skills requirements for event managers and other employees working in the industry.

3. ‪#‎Newtechnologies‬

According to the latest trends, technology will continue to play a powerful role in all kinds of events.

The number of mobile devices has been increasing constantly. As a result, there are many mobile applications for communication, interaction and‪#‎networking‬ at events. Think of this trend in combination with the first one (larger events as major revenue generators) and you will get the function of creating event communities and offering ‪#‎newopportunities‬ for communication at events.

4. New ‪#‎methodsofevaluation‬

It seems that old methods of evaluation such as filling in print forms are in the past. New technologies allow getting instant feedback from attendees and provide great opportunities for relevant and comprehensive evaluation.

5. Different ‪#‎kindsofvenues‬

Today’s trend is flexible venues offering some added value — more space, more place, etc. It seems that old-fashioned venues fail to attract customers. On the contrary, state-of-the-art venues with flexible innovative environment are very much requested. What is great about the trend, is that new venues do not have to be large and well-known. The obvious manifestation of the trend is pop-up stores. Also, highly demanded are the venues offering good WiFi, networks for mobile devices, etc.

6. ‪#‎Keynotespeakers‬ from all over the world

Thanks to modern technology, it is possible to invite any speaker from any country, virtually. What’s even better is that virtual speakers can interact with attendees.

7. Five senses at a time

The trend is ‪#‎incorporatingactivities‬ that apply to all five senses. Thanks to the approach, event attendees can get unrivalled experience and fully immerse in the event environment. The trend is of great value to all kinds of educational events, such as trainings and team-buildings. It helps create memorable events thus increasing revenue.

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