If you had the option to send someone you care about a card or surprise them in person, which would you choose?There is something so special about the face to face meeting. A card is a nice gesture, but it cannot hold a candle to the surprise meeting. Why? People appreciate when others make the extra effort. A live event is an extra effort.

In the age of social media, small business owners take full advantage of immediate connections. It is cheap and a great way to connect with people all over the world. With the abundance of online interactions, you need to do something memorable.

There is something genuine about the face to face interaction. It’s the extra mile. The extra effort speaks volumes to people. With millions of people advertising their products on social media, it is increasingly harder to stand out amongst the crowd. The face to face interaction is becoming harder to find.

How do you get a client to say yes to you instead of a competitor? What makes you unique? A live event draws customers out of their comfort zone. It allows you the opportunity to convince them to take the chance with you.

Be unique

How do you find the clients that need you the most? You need to be unique and stand out from the crowd. Clients need to see you. They need to know they can work with you. It is far easier to make that connection at a live event.

The online market has a place and time. When social media initially began, online-only events and marketing were a great lure to get people interested. Now, online marketing overruns the field. To stand out, you need to do something different. The live event is that something different. Don’t forget to choose a theme for your event, whether it’s focusing on your brand or the experience.

A true test of your efforts

A virtual event cannot guarantee how well people are receiving your efforts. In person, you are able to observe people’s reactions, and your clients can see yours.

If something is not working in your presentation, you can change it. You can read the tone of the room. It is nearly impossible to understand tone through text. When people show up to a virtual event, there is no way to tell if they are receiving your message or online shopping in another window.

Small investments, better rewards

All businesses start somewhere. Businesses grow through smart investments and hard work. If potential clients see that your business is willing to spend time and effort on them, they are more willing to consider you. Why not make your online presence stronger with a live event?

Think about it. Why are Pinterest and other similar sites so popular? It allows people to dream about the perfectly coordinated events. Perfectly coordinated colors, food, and decorations are always appealing.

As a coach, you want the event worthy enough of thousands of shares on your social media accounts. Clickable images from a well-coordinated live event are a great way to spark interest in people. It expands the business and gets you noticed. It’s hard to attract new people in this way if the event is solely virtual.

Personal connection

Social media is, in many ways, impersonal. Anyone can post whatever they want without having to back it up with fact. If you are looking to prove your worth to potential clients, you need to connect with them face to face.

A human connection with a potential client is vital. If you only connect with a client via the telephone or e-mail it is easy for them to dismiss you as a valuable resource. Few things beat a genuine human connection. For years, business associates have met for lunches and social gatherings. Why? The sincerity of meeting someone in person is more trustworthy than words on a screen. Even if you conduct most of your business via the Internet, you cannot argue against the value of the initial face to face interaction.

Live events set your business apart from the others. They allow you to connect with clients in a personal way that a virtual event cannot. If you want to reach potential new clients, you need to make smart investments. A live event is a smart investment. You reach clients and leave a memorable impression in people’s minds.

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