by Eventistry by Alecia | Feb 18, 2021 | Articles|blog|Events|Trending, Articles|Business|Events|Marketing, Events|How Tos|Sponsorship, Events|Sponsorship, Sponsorship, Virtual Event Sponsorship
In a world where sponsorship spending reaches nearly $70 billion dollars a year, it’s time to show us the money, friends! As event planners and corporate execs, it’s important to realize how vital sponsorship is to your event success and your overall business success....
by Eventistry by Alecia | Jan 26, 2021 | Articles|blog|Events|Trending, Articles|Business|Events|Marketing, Articles|Events, Articles|Events|Trending, blog, Business|Events|How Tos|Marketing, Event Planning, Event Strategy, Events, Events|Fundraising, Events|How Tos|Sponsorship, Events|Sponsorship, Events|Trending, Sponsorship, Virtual Event Sponsorship
It’s no secret that the number of organizations hosting virtual events doubled in the past year. But with everything new comes a learning curve. Many organizations really struggled with translating sponsorship from in-person to virtual event sponsorship! But I’m here...
by Alecia May | May 4, 2018 | Articles|blog|Events|How Tos|Speaking, Business|Events|How Tos, Event Planning, Sponsorship
An event sponsor provides a large portion of resources and momentum necessary for creating a successful and potentially profitable event. Event sponsors do more than finance. The right sponsor will elevate the authority of your brand and message of the event. But...
by Alecia May | Jun 7, 2017 | Events, Sponsorship
What’s one of the best ways to help cut some out-of-pocket expenses and amp up engagement at your event? Sponsorship. If you’ve ever planned a large event, you’ve probably sought out sponsors to help bear the load, and it’s a smart move. Corporations have caught on...
by Alecia May | Feb 19, 2017 | Events, How Tos, Sponsorship
If you’re putting together a larger event, chances are you’re considering how to get event sponsorship. Recruiting some sponsors can help cut your out of pocket expenses. It’s a smart move. Now more than ever, companies and individuals are turning to sponsorships and...