by Eventistry by Alecia | Feb 21, 2022 | Articles, Event Planning, Event Strategy, Events, Hybrid Events
It’s time to embrace hybrid events, guys. And part of embracing hybrid is understanding the do’s and don’ts for your hybrid event during the planning process. With all the little moving pieces that could pose big problems if not planned correctly, it’s important to...
by Eventistry by Alecia | Jan 12, 2022 | Articles, Event Planning, Event Strategy, Events|How Tos|Sponsorship, Events|Sponsorship, Hybrid Events, Sponsorship
Not to start on a “grim” note, but let’s get this straight, and we don’t mean it in a bad way—the event industry will never be the same. It is forever changed after the year and a half we’ve just collectively experienced. The industry we love has been propelled into a...
by Eventistry by Alecia | Nov 17, 2021 | Articles, Articles|Events, How Tos, Hybrid Events, Trending
Events aren’t just a way to bring people together anymore. When produced effectively, they can be a major asset to your business marketing strategy. Events are an ideal way to feed your pipeline with people who want to buy your products and services. Plus, individuals...