5 Ways Hosting an Event Will Grow Your Business

Every year you evaluate your business goals and ask yourself —what more can I do? Is this the year you’d like to build brand trust, create exposure and expand your influence? Hosting an event sets you apart from the competition, so Here are 5 Ways Hosting an Event Will Grow Your Business.

Create Exposure and Expand Influence

Everyone else is waiting for their chance, next big break, or to get their foot in the door. All the while you are over here CREATING your very own opportunities.

Hosting an event creates brand exposure and expands influence. The successful marketing of your event will draw attention from your target audience, competitors, potential sponsors. Before you know it, you will have new prospects, new clients, and new opportunities.Everyone knows an event is no easy feat and the struggle of being a female entrepreneur is real. Put on your big girl shoes and shut down the house is your chance to set yourself up to be an industry leader.

No one knew who NYX was until Marc Jacobs sponsored their first-ever event. Now the NYX Cosmetics logo and brand is found in nearly every lady-led household. It’s hard to questions the value of a live event.

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Build Trust Through Transparency

Hosting an event will grow your business and brand following, only if people believe in you and what you offer. Your social media following is “poppin”, but at an event, you can’t behind a funny meme or catchy hashtag. You’re a boss with nothing to fear. Time for a badass event to celebrate and promote your business success and growth!

But with all that play comes preparation.

Be prepared to tell the story behind your brand, but don’t be the only one telling it. In order to build trust through transparency at your event try the following:

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  • Open mic for customer testimonials
  • Hold a Q&A panel
  • Survey attendees and use the data to create a unique report
  • Q&A panel with partners, employees, and sponsors

NYX Cosmetics invited makeup influencers to SLAY their brand delivery. These Beauty Gurus maintain unpaid opinions and have millions of fashionista followers.

Providing Immediate Benefits

Personal experience is the new currency.

Your event will undoubtedly draw the attention of new clients and prospects. What about the ones who have been with you along? Take this time to show gratitude because your current following is your bread and butter. Many have seen your brand transform. Imagine how impressed they are now that you’re finally hosting an event!?

Here are a few ways you can provide immediate benefits for the newbies and dedicated brand followers:

  • Creative Contest (with dope prizes)
  • Raffel/Giveaway
  • Educational Workshops
  • Adding Value with Notable Speakers
  • Attendee Promotionals

Saying “Thank You” can be really fun! Ask your event guests to post and share photos of their goodies using your custom event hashtag!

Promotes Brand Loyalty

Hosting an event will grow your business by promoting brand loyalty. This happens in a number of ways and for a number of reasons.

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The first is emotional. At a live event, you will interact with your target audience, one-on-one, and face-to-face. There are certain connections that can only be made in person and an event is the best opportunity to make as many as possible.

This valuable ‘face time’ offers the opportunity for guests to experience the look, feel, and personality of your brand. Even if you can’t shake everyone’s hands, people will see the effort and will perceive you loyalty toward your clients/customers and reciprocate that in the form of brand loyalty.

People also tend to be loyal to a brand they have invested in. Purchasing a ticket and attending shows a level of commitment to your brand, already. But naturally, you have to keep them coming back for more…

Brand Messaging

Assume a “total brand experience” approach before, during, and after the event.

Planning and executing a stellar event is a lot of work, but maybe not in the way you think.Your event will my take the shape of a new product launch, a workshop, or a holiday bash. Whatever the purpose of your event, your brand messaging has to be crystal clear. This can be challenging but it’s the perfect opportunity to really define yourself and the vision of your work. The best part is sharing this with your event attendees. If you or anyone else had any questions regarding your brand–the air will be cleared and your brand value unleashed!

Hosting an event will grow your business, so forget about dedicating yourself to your event if you’re not prepared to scale. While an event takes dedication, the brand recognition and demand that follows a successful event–that’s the where the real work starts. Prepared to take the plunge? Let’s start planning your event, today!