In any successful business, the first thing you need to get your company off the ground is a defined target audience. Whether you’re just starting your event planning business or you’re pivoting to virtual or hybrid event production, you’re going to need to start defining a target audience for your business. It can seem daunting when in reality it’s pretty simple. In this blog, we’re going to break down our tried-and-true process for defining a target audience for your event business so you can build that 6-figure income you’ve dreamed of.

It’s time to take some notes and get after it!

What is a Target Audience?

Your target audience is essentially the demographic that makes up your potential clientele for your event business. It’s the people for whom you have the ability to solve problems. Typically, businesses will cover the following detail. It helps to be super thorough and intentional, so prospecting efforts and business growth strategies aren’t created without direction!

When starting an event business, you’re going to want to define your target audience and use that to make a list of companies and roles within that company you’d like to target. It’s two-fold!

So, if you want to plan influencer events for companies leveraging influencer marketing, this could be an example target audience:
  • Event planners for beauty brands on the Fortune 1000 list who produce 25+ influencer events annually across the globe.
If you want to plan corporate virtual events, your target audience may be:
  • Marketing Managers, Conference Planners, Executive Assistants, or Event Planners for corporations currently producing 10+ virtual events annually.

If you can get into even more detail, go for it! But until you make that connection and unless you have current contacts, you have to make do with what you can find on a trusty Google or LinkedIn search. Once you know a little more you can include detail like:

  • Age
  • Location
  • Role
  • Type of Business They’re Employed By
  • Kids?
  • Household Income
  • Preferred Brands
  • Common Purchases
  • Hobbies

The list goes on. The more specific, the better!

Step 1: Look at Your Current Client Base

Okay, to get started defining your target audience, ask yourself who your current clients are. Where are you making the most money? Where are you generating the most impact? Make a list of the demographic points listed above, this will lead you to determine who you’re serving successfully now.

If you’re not where you want to be, or you’re just starting from scratch, instead create that list as if it’s a dream board. Everyone starts at zero. Don’t let it discourage you, let it inspire you!

Step 2: Determine Who Your Competitors Are Working With

Now once you’re feeling inspired, it’s time to do a little digging. Who are your competitors? And what type of businesses are they featuring on their website? Most event planners will have a section of their website dedicated to event features of previous event success stories. Who are they working with and how can you get clients in that space, too?

Step 3: Analyze What Problems You’re Solving & Who Can Benefit Most

The next part is key to narrow down who you’re serving with your event business, focusing on your skills and unique capabilities.

Ask yourself, “Who can benefit most from my services?”

A good way to answer that question is to start with what problems you solve for your clients. Make a list of problems all of your services help solve, and what makes you different.

If you’re a fabulous event designer who also has a serious knack for logistics, maybe you want to focus on creative brands that need a certain look for their events. If you’re a huge content geek and love coming up with speaker ideas, maybe you should target conferences with huge speaker panels. Channel what YOU can help with and who needs those services most. That’s the sweet spot, guys.

Step 4: Combine Steps 1-3 to Build a Solid Target Audience

Now it’s time to take all the notes you’ve made and look at the trends. What sticks out? How can you use that to craft your ideal target audience?

You want to select a group you’re working with, or want to work with, that you can reach through your channels, who will need your unique event planning services for multiple events each year.

Write it down! You have your target audience, friends.

Step 5: Create Your Pitch Deck

Now that you have a target audience, how do you go after their business?

The first step is creating your pitch deck. Your pitch deck is essentially a 5–6-page overview with your capabilities outlined in an exciting way. The content should be developed to speak directly to that target audience. What were the problems you defined during step 3? Make sure your guide provides solutions for all those points. Show your target audience why YOU are the solution to all their event planning woes.

Use vivid imagery, bold colors, easy-to-read fonts that still create impact. This is your first impression, make it count.

Step 6: Prospect & Grow That Business!

After you have your target audience and your pitch deck, it’s time to get to work! Use LinkedIn and Google to create a list of contacts you will reach out to. Here’s a sample schedule to follow:

  • Monday: 1st Email – Introduce yourself and ask for a call
  • 7 Days Later (Next Monday): 2nd Email – Follow-up on your first note and send your pitch deck
  • 3 Days Later (Thursday): 3rd Email – Send a video message email with a tool like
  • 7 Days Later (Next Thursday): Call or Connect on LinkedIn

Give a little break and pick back up again in a month. Keep your touchpoints monthly until you get a response! The number one thing to keep in mind is you won’t always get responses on your first try. Keep going! It takes an average of 8 or more touches just to get that first call.

Need Help Acquiring New Clients for Your Event Business? Register for 1-on-1 Coaching with Alecia.

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level or are struggling to get started with defining a target audience for your event business—Alecia can help. Our Founder & CEO Alecia May is offering a limited number of spots for 1-on-1 event business coaching this fall. Schedule a consultation call today to see if it could be a good fit to help you grow your 6-figure event business! Spots are limited.

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