I hear this a lot. It’s not easy putting yourself in the mindset of creating, planning, marketing and hosting your event. Imagine everything that goes into planning the event.

The name of your event, the date, the location, what the agenda consists of, gift bags, food and beverage, and the biggest question of all – what if I’m not ready?

Listen, you have already come this far. You’ve been building your empire, you’ve put yourself out there, you’ve networked and maybe even gone to a few events yourself. You’ve already done half the work. Being YOU is half the work!

You may have coached a few clients, perhaps have had a few group coaching sessions. You see other coaches having masterminds all over the world, and you may think “How are they doing this”, or “I want to host my first retreat or event, but I have no idea how to do it”.

I’ve compiled three tips that help my clients overcome their fears of hosting their first event.

Tip #1 – Stop Saying “I Can’t Do This”

Remember the engine that could? “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can”… Change this to I know I can, I know I can, I know I can. Start prepping yourself mentally, journaling your thoughts on a blank piece of paper.

Ask yourself – what is my biggest fear? Are you worried no one will come to the event? Make a plan of attack of how you’ll knock that out of the park. Maybe one of your tasks will be to hire a marketing strategist. Perhaps it’s coming up with a strategy about the event itself. Whatever your biggest fear, get it out, squash it and move forward (no really, mindset is half the battle).

Tip #2 – Talk to Someone

Talk to your mom. Talk to a friend or fellow entrepreneur. Work it out and really get to the root cause of what it is that is holding you back. Maybe you’ve journaled about it already. Now it’s time to start getting the cluster that’s in your head, OUT.

Talk to someone who has been there. Ask them questions about their event, what they would change, any advice. People are willing to help if you just ask. Post on social media, get feelers out there, and document the details that most resonate with you.

Tip #3 – Research + Prep Work

Most people don’t understand that it takes 6-12 months to plan a larger event. Be prepared, start early and do your research. Things to think about is – What other events am I competing with? What do I need to do at my event? How will I get my message across?

Start a planner, or a virtual planner with your plan of attack. If you are hiring someone, they should have this ready for you so you don’t have to worry about the details.

The more prepared you are, the better you’ll feel in how you will take the event to the next level, whether that is making 6 figures, meeting your goal of butts in seats, or just making life changing connections.

Don’t forget to download my awesome free resource: How To Plan your Event for Success for that extra planning resource you will need.

So tell me, what are your fears and have you conquered them yet?

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