Your company is organizing an event. Or maybe you are thinking of hosting your very own event for your brand. Here comes your big chance, the opportunity you had been waiting for a long while. This is the time to prove yourself but you are stuck at the very first step. Where is the event going to take place? Let me help you in your search for the perfect venue for your event with the following tips:

Need of the event:

Keeping in mind the nature of the event, decide whether you want to have it in a conference center or in a five-star hotel. You can also look into whether you want to have an indoor affair or an outdoor one.

Search for all the possible venues:

Go for something that is unique and provides a tasteful backdrop to your event. Don’t limit yourself and search for all possible locations that will best serve your purpose. After exhausting yourself in this process, settle for the finest option.

Atmosphere of the event:

You may not realize but the atmosphere of the venue plays a pivotal role. People may forget what they saw but they will never forget how they felt.  Make sure that all the attendees have a memorable experience.

Access to equipment/facilities:

Scan for all the required resources. Check the electricity connections, the telecommunication facilities, and food service. You definitely don’t want to end up in a place where your microphone or speakers are dysfunctional.


Establish a budget within your limits. You don’t want to spend thousands over budget and then have to pay out of pocket. Why not check out and download my Event Planning Budget Template?

Booking and confirmation:

When you think you found the perfect place then don’t waste any time. Confirm your booking and move on to the next step of your event planning. Stay in touch with the venue manager in order to keep communication open.

Site visits:

The reason for making further site visits is to ensure that nothing has changed since you made the booking. And even if certain changes have been made, they will not affect your event.


The location of the event should be at a reasonable distance. There is no point of finding your ideal place where the majority of participants cannot reach easily, or where there is no access to public transport.


Take into account the number of guests invited and see whether a small meeting room is enough, or you have to book a hall to incorporate them. Please make sure the venue is spacious enough so people don’t suffocate.


Weather is a factor not to be forgotten when you are planning an outdoor event. Make sure you have thoroughly checked the forecast for that day. To be on a safer side, keep a backup option.

Stay organized, work hard, research and have a blast!